Messages Of Plugins
Spigot/Paper RewardADs.jar
This page contains the documentation about the messages.yml
file located in plugins/RewardADs
prefix: "&7[&6R&7] &f"
invalid-code: "&cThe code isn't valid in config, insert a valid code by creating a server on, if you haven't already."
server-using-rewardads: "&a%server% &fis using &6RewardADs &7v%version% &f!"
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission"
reloaded: "&6RewardADs&a reloaded successfully!"
tokenOrId: "&cInsert token and platformId!"
alreadyVerified: "&cYou already verified this platform!"
error: "&cOops, an error occurred. Please report it to the server's administrator."
Spigot/Paper RewardADsInter.jar
This page contains the documentation about the messages.yml
file located in plugins/RewardADsInter
prefix: "&7[&6R&7] &f"
no-perms: "&cYou don't have permission"
reloaded: "&bRewardADsInteface&a reloaded successfully!"
not-a-player: "&cThis command is only for Players"
add: "&aAdd reward by typing Reward ID"
remove: "&aReward Removed"
added: "&aReward added: &e%reward%"
added: "&aCommand Added: &e%command%"
edited: "&aCommand Edited: &e%command%"
removed: "&aCommand Removed: &e%command%"
error: "&cNo commands found for %reward%"
edit: "&eType the command you want to edit for reward %reward%"
add: "&eType the command you want to add for reward %reward%"
remove: "&eType the command you want to remove from %reward%"
alreadyFirstPage: "&cYou are already on the first page!"
next: "&eNext Page"
previous: "&ePrevious Page"
back: "&eBack"
command: "&bAdd Command"
reward: "&aAdd Reward"
reward: "&cRemove Reward"
command: "&cRemove Command"
Bungee RewardADs.jar
This page contains the documentation about the messages.yml
file located in plugins/RewardADs
prefix: "&7[&6R&7] &f"
invalid-code: "&cThe code isn't valid in config, insert a valid code by creating a server on, if you haven't already."
server-using-rewardads: "&a%server% &fis using &6RewardADs &7v%version% &f!"
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission"
reloaded: "&6RewardADs&a reloaded successfully!"
tokenOrId: "&cInsert token and platformId!"
alreadyVerified: "&cYou already verified this platform!"
error: "&cOops, an error occurred. Please report it to the server's administrator."
Velocity RewardADs.jar
This page contains the documentation about the messages_velocity.yml
file located in plugins/rewardads
prefix: &7[&6R&7] &f
invalid-code: &cThe code isn't valid in config, insert a valid code by creating a server on, if you haven't already.
server-using-rewardads: &a%server% &fis using &6RewardADs &7v%version% &f!
no-permission: &cYou don't have permission
reloaded: &6RewardADs&a reloaded successfully!
platform-tokenOrId: &cInsert token and platformId!
platform-alreadyVerified: &cYou already verified this platform!
error: &cOops, an error occurred. Please report it to the server's administrator.